Keep track of your hats and donuts

We’ve completed our runs on day 4 of the Mylan Relay for Hope. Believe it or not, the days are already starting to bleed together. You know how when you’re on vacation with people, and someone mentions a restaurant you went to, and then everyone tries to figure out whether you ate there two nights ago or three nights ago? OK, well it happens to me, anyway.

Fortunately, it hasn’t been a problem on this trip. Even though the days might be bleeding together in my own memory, Amanda and Robyn, my running mates for week 1, both keep detailed logs of where we’ve eaten, where we’ve stayed, and interesting happenings along the way, like the “Get the bazooka!” story from day 2. For instance, I know that we’ve eaten breakfast at Robin’s Donuts for the last two mornings, which is good, because we didn’t see a single Tim Horton’s during that same time. I know both of these facts because of their journals, which just goes to show you, it’s a good idea to know where the nearest donut is at any given time.

Last night, we actually stayed in the parking lot of a Robin’s Donuts (in the RV). It was our first night sleeping in the RV, and it was also the first time we cooked in the RV. Robyn made us some very delicious teriyaki chicken, with rice and broccoli. After we cleaned up, we went to see an offshore oil rig under construction, as you do, and that was when we decided to stay at Robin’s Donuts instead of on the wharf at Little Harbour East. The wharf was very pretty, and we met some very nice crab and catfish fishermen there, but it didn’t have internet access, and that just won’t do.

We also took this awesome picture:

I am the only one up to this point who has not picked up someone else's hat by mistake.

I am the only one up to this point who has not picked up someone else’s Newfoundland hat by mistake.

It’s hard to keep track of the running parts, though. I don’t remember which day I found the Canadian dime on the ground, and put it in the bazooka, or which day I slogged up an agonizingly long hill, only to find an overlook at the top that would have a great view, at the cost of more climbing. I still don’t know where I got the energy to shimmy up there, but the view was worth it. I sometimes forget what day of the week it is, or how many days I’ve been running. And that, to me, is the greatest reward of this challenge.

Okay fine, I checked the log:

  • Day 1: 11.5 miles (18.5 km)
  • Day 2: 9.5 miles (15.3 km)
  • Day 3: 10.4 miles (16.8 km)
  • Day 4: 9.3 miles (15.0 km)

Total: 40.8 miles (65.6 km)

About Carey Ahr

I run a lot. When I'm not running, I'm grumbling about how much my legs hurt.
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